On March 8-9, 2013, Rev. Verna Linzey is coming to Trenton to minister for the Trenton Evangelistic Crusade to be held at the Trenton Marriott where the services will be held. Other speakers include Evangelist Jim Linzey and Rev. Dr. Pearlie Murray who is the host pastor and sponsor of the Verna Linzey Crusade in Trenton. Contact: Jeff Stinson,
760-855-3905; TRENTON, N.J.
Photo: Revival in the Bonnie Brae Street House as Verna Linzey preaches and lays hands on a woman who begins speaking in tongues while falling under the Power. |
The crusade is an outgrowth or part of the revival which touched upon Azusa Street on December 7, 2012, and Bonnie Brae on December 14, 2012, through the Holy Spirit with Verna Linzey. There were baptisms in the Spirit as confirmed by ecstatic utterances, slaying in the Spirit, violent quaking, teaching on the baptism with the Holy Spirit with the laying on of hands by Verna Linzey, crying, falling on their faces, hands lifted up toward the heavens, screaming in the Spirit, and calling the fiery Holy Ghost down from Heaven.
At the back side of Azusa Street in Union Church on December 7, 2012, during the Azusa Street Commemoration, the altar was flooded with people who came forward for Verna to lay hands on them. Likewise, the same manifestations prevailed as Verna prayed for people for forty-five minutes as they lined up. Throughout over 70 years of ministry, over 20,000 people have received the baptism with the Holy Spirit through Verna's ministry, teaching and influence.
A "Daughter of the Azusa Street Revival," and the remaining sister of Evangelist Franklin Hall of the Latter Rain Movement, Rev. Linzey was influenced by Ernest S. Williams who was at the 1906 Azusa Street Revival in the Mission where he received his baptism in the Spirit. Rev. Linzey was also influenced by PC Nelson who was influenced by ministers who likewise were at Azusa Street. Rev. Linzey's parents hosted the Nelsons and their ministry team in their home many times when Verna was growing up in Coffeyville, Kansas. "I would listen to them share around the kitchen table about prophecy, salvations and baptisms in the Spirit in the meetings they conducted," Linzey said. "Later I got to attend Southwestern Bible School founded by Rev. Nelson, whose influence helped me prepare for ministry and preaching the Azusa message."
Here are some divine facts about Verna's book, The Baptism with the Holy Spirit, and Verna Linzey 100 years after the 1906 Pentecostal Movement began and as they relate to the Centennial Anniversary:
- On the 100th Anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival, Verna received the "Best Non-Fiction of the Year" award for the book The Baptism with the Holy Spirit from the San Diego Christian Writers' Guild.
- The centennial anniversary was being celebrated in Los Angeles. The keynote speaker was Rev. David Yongii Cho, Senior Pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church in South Korea. He was speaking on "Eteros Parakletos" as opposed to "Allos Parakletos" which is found in The Baptism with the Holy Spirit by Verna Linzey. Dr. Samhwan Kim who read the book and wrote an endorsement for the book and is the pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church was translating for Dr. Cho as he preached on this message found in Verna's book. Was it possible that the idea for the keynote sermon for the Centennial Celebration of the 1906 Revival was inspired by Verna Linzey?
- The Baptism with the Holy Spirit was used as a text book in 100 Bible schools in the Far East. Wonsuk Ma, Ph.D., who is the Director of the Centre for Missions Studies, sent the books to the Bible schools.
- One hundred years after the 1906 revival began, Verna Linzey was interviewed by the Azusa Street Project for the Azusa Street Revival Centennial Documentary.
- James D.G. Dunn, D.D., wrote this endorsement on the book, "Verna Linzey's book is a restatement of classic Pentecostal convictions on baptism in the Spirit and speaking in tongues, with the same ingenuousness and fervour which lit the flame of Pentecostalism one hundred years ago."
What are the mathematical chances that one person, known as the "Daughter of the Azusa Street Revival," would be used in all these ways 100 years later and be used as a vehicle for revival which touched Azusa Street and Bonnie Brae Street once again? At 93 years of age, Verna Linzey is one of the remaining "Generals" of the Pentecostal Movement.
Service times are as follows: Friday: 7:00 pm and Saturday: 12:00 Noon at the Marriott Hotel, 1 West Lafayette St., Trenton, NJ. An Impartation Service in included. Free will offering will be taken.
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