CAP-HATIEN, Haiti, April 24, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Rev. Dr. Verna Linzey took time during the Verna Linzey Crusade in Cap-Hatien, Haiti for an unprecedented meeting with the Chief of the United Nations of the Northern Haiti region on Sunday, April 21, 2013 in the walled compound where the two were residing.
Topics included the purpose for the presence of the United Nations in Haiti, the mission of the United Nations in Haiti, verification of mission accomplishment, exit strategy of the United Nations, strategies for meeting the religious needs of the United Nations troops, the personal faith of the United Nations regional chief Emilio Castaneda with whom the Rev. Verna Linzey met, and the summit concluded with the Rev. Verna Linzey praying a blessing over the Chief, giving him her blessing as he knelt before her and received the laying on of the Rev. Dr. Verna Linzey's right hand.
The United Nations entered Haiti during the mass rioting in 2004 to bring peace and safety to the Hatians and calm the civil unrest. They have remained until the rioting stopped and to ensure a system of checks and balanced are in place to hopefully prevent such an outbreak again. The time frame for exiting Haiti is 2016.
The United Nations has set up a system for elections to remain safe and secure so that democracy would prevail. The mission includes reforming the justice department and the police force. Internal structuring of the very government seems to be part of the mission.
The United Nations provides UN chaplains of various denominations to attend to the religious needs of the United Nations troops. The chaplains are primarily Catholic and Protestant of various denominations. The United Nations chaplaincy is structured much like the military chaplaincy of the United States Armed Forces. The Chief of the United Nations in northern Haiti, Mr. Castaneda, is Pentecostal and believes in speaking in tongues. A Salvadoran by birth, Mr. Castaneda is a nationalized Canadian. His religious experience includes the Faith Mission in El Salvador, Anglicanism in Canada, and Pentecostalism when he attended a Pentecostal Bible School.
Verna Linzey can be followed on Face Book, Twitter and May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless you today.
Photo: Verna Linzey with Pentecostal United Nations Chief of Northern Haiti
The Los Angeles Revival Blog will essentially cover acts of the Holy Spirit in the Los Angeles area through Rev Verna Linzey, her son Chaplain Jim Linzey and other leaders participating. A documentation of meetings, supernatural happenings, where the Holy Spirit imparts this revival to and what seems to be pertinent will be included. It is the hope of Chaplain Jim Linzey that this revival spreads throughout in people's homes and wherever God wants to move.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Verna Linzey Crusade -- 20,000 Haitians Reached with Baptism in the Spirit Message - Christian Newswire
CAP-HATIEN, Haiti, April 24, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Rev. Dr. Verna Linzey preached in the Verna Linzey Crusade in Cap-Hatien, Haiti April 19-21, 2013 to crowds of 20,000, as estimated by Rev. Eric Maksym who coordinated the event. Rev. Maksym is on the staff of Benny Hinn Ministries.
Rev. Linzey was escorted by her son Dr. Jim Linzey, Southern Baptist Convention minister. Numerous demon-possessed were healed and delivered. In the United States one seldom, if ever, sees people writhing on the ground as demons manifest themselves, thrashing people around, as read about in the New Testament. An estimated 25-30 demon possessed were cured as Rev. Linzey's Hatian ministry team prayed for them and rebuked the demons and cast them out in the name of Jesus. Jim Linzey filmed some of this to show in the states.
On several occasions Rev. Linzey conducted impartation services with the laying on of hands, praying for individual prayer requests and praying blessings over hundreds of Hatians on an individual basis.
Haiti is steeped in voodooism, primarily, and Catholicism, secondarily. The Hatians' ancestors were brought to Haiti by the French during the slave trade, to breed in Haiti for the purpose of selling their offspring. When the African slaves revolted, they gained their independence and began to govern themselves on the island shared by the Domincan Republic. Most Hatians are destitute since there are no investors providing farm equipment and training for the Haitians to develop agriculture.
The reason why the Hatians are so steeped in voodoo is that during the horrendous slave trade, the Africans in Haiti turned to the only religion they knew -- voodoo -- for relief and help from the agonizing suffering. They knew not Christ and that there was no other name under heaven whereby they could be saved from their sins and their terrible plight.
The pastor sponsoring the Verna Linzey Crusade is in need of one million US dollars to build a roof over his large church in Cap-Hatien. The impoverished Hatians are exposed to the elements -- sun, wind and rain during the services. Donations can be made to Military Bible Association, earmarked for this cause.
Verna Linzey can be followed on Face Book, Twitter and May our Lord and Savior bless you today.
Contact: Rev. David Newberry, Military Bible Association, 817-944-4081
Photo: Verna Linzey Crusade -- Haiti
Rev. Linzey was escorted by her son Dr. Jim Linzey, Southern Baptist Convention minister. Numerous demon-possessed were healed and delivered. In the United States one seldom, if ever, sees people writhing on the ground as demons manifest themselves, thrashing people around, as read about in the New Testament. An estimated 25-30 demon possessed were cured as Rev. Linzey's Hatian ministry team prayed for them and rebuked the demons and cast them out in the name of Jesus. Jim Linzey filmed some of this to show in the states.
On several occasions Rev. Linzey conducted impartation services with the laying on of hands, praying for individual prayer requests and praying blessings over hundreds of Hatians on an individual basis.
Haiti is steeped in voodooism, primarily, and Catholicism, secondarily. The Hatians' ancestors were brought to Haiti by the French during the slave trade, to breed in Haiti for the purpose of selling their offspring. When the African slaves revolted, they gained their independence and began to govern themselves on the island shared by the Domincan Republic. Most Hatians are destitute since there are no investors providing farm equipment and training for the Haitians to develop agriculture.
The reason why the Hatians are so steeped in voodoo is that during the horrendous slave trade, the Africans in Haiti turned to the only religion they knew -- voodoo -- for relief and help from the agonizing suffering. They knew not Christ and that there was no other name under heaven whereby they could be saved from their sins and their terrible plight.
The pastor sponsoring the Verna Linzey Crusade is in need of one million US dollars to build a roof over his large church in Cap-Hatien. The impoverished Hatians are exposed to the elements -- sun, wind and rain during the services. Donations can be made to Military Bible Association, earmarked for this cause.
Verna Linzey can be followed on Face Book, Twitter and May our Lord and Savior bless you today.
Contact: Rev. David Newberry, Military Bible Association, 817-944-4081
Photo: Verna Linzey Crusade -- Haiti
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Verna Linzey Speaks at Regent University for the Azusa Street Revival Anniversary in April 2013
Verna Linzey spoke at Regent University for the 107th Azusa Street Revival Anniversary hosted by the institution and partially hosted by Faith Center of Virginia Beach. She spoke on "The Baptism with the Holy Spirit," which was the central theme of the Azusa Street Revival and of Verna Linzey's ministry. It is also the name of her first book, which was en Source: Military Bible Association
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Contact: Dr. David Newberry, 760-855-3905, VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., April 7, 2013 /Christian Newswire
© 2012 All Rights Reserved - Web News
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Contact: Dr. David Newberry, 760-855-3905, VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., April 7, 2013 /Christian Newswire
© 2012 All Rights Reserved - Web News
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Glenda Underwood Jackson and Dr. Verna Linzey Pray at Tranquility Park In Texas
Glenda Underwood Jackson and Dr. Verna Linzey Pray over Alexys at Tranquility Park 3-31-13
Glenda Jackson & Verna Linzey impartation prayer in Tranquility Park for
Eric Maksym
Published on Apr 5, 2013
Prophet Glenda Jackson ended a 40 day fast prior to this Impartation service in Tranquility park in Houston, Texas with Dr. Verna Linzey. Prophetess Glenda Jackson and Dr. Verna Linzey prayed an special impartation prayer together for those who were there this service. This was the same location William J. Seymour learned about the Holy Spirit prior to going to Los Angeles to lead the Azusa Street Revival.
Filmed by Eric Maksym
Filmed by Eric Maksym
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Itinerary for Dr. Verna Linzey 2013
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Dr. Verna Linzey praying |
April 4 to 7th, 2013
Azusa Street Revival Anniversary: Gathering of the Eagles
Hosted by
Regent University CBN Campus with Youth and Urban Renewal,
1000 Regent University Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Regent University CBN Campus with Youth and Urban Renewal,
1000 Regent University Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Faith Center/Iglesia Pentecostal de Norfolk,
1513 Sewells Point Road, Norfolk, VA 23502
1513 Sewells Point Road, Norfolk, VA 23502
Keynote speakers: Gwyneth Williams, Star Williams, Verna Linzey
Sponsored by Life Enrichment Ministries
Sponsored by Life Enrichment Ministries
April 4: 6:00 pmRegent University
April 5: 9:00 am and 6:00 pmRegent University
April 6: 9:00 am and 6:00 pmRegent University
April 7: 11:00 am and 3:00 pmat Faith Center/Iglesia Pentecostal de Norfolk
1513 Sewells Point Road, Norfolk, VA 23502
For More Information Contact (760) 855-3905
April 5: 9:00 am and 6:00 pmRegent University
April 6: 9:00 am and 6:00 pmRegent University
April 7: 11:00 am and 3:00 pmat Faith Center/Iglesia Pentecostal de Norfolk
1513 Sewells Point Road, Norfolk, VA 23502
For More Information Contact (760) 855-3905
Verna Linzey Speaks at Regent University for the Azusa Street Revival Anniversary
Verna Linzey Speaks at Regent University for the Azusa Street Revival Anniversary
Contact: Dr. David Newberry, 760-855-3905,
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., April 7, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- Verna Linzey spoke at Regent University for the 107th Azusa Street Revival Anniversary hosted by the institution and partially hosted by Faith Center of Virginia Beach. She spoke on "The Baptism with the Holy Spirit," which was the central theme of the Azusa Street Revival and of Verna Linzey's ministry. It is also the name of her first book, which was endorsed by James Dunn, Vinson Synan, William Menzies, Allan Anderson, Frank Macchia, Colin Dye and many others. The foreword was written by Russell Spittler.
Photo: Verna Linzey speaking in the new chapel at Regent University to some of the participants of the Azusa Street Revival Anniversary Commemoration.
The event was organized by Dr. Gwyneth Williams, adopted daughter of Bishop Otis Clark who was directly impacted at the Azusa Street Revival and passed away at 104 years of age recently. Dr. Williams is the founder of Life Enrichment Ministries, Inc., seeking to enable ministers to fulfill their calling and promote the work of the Holy Spirit. Verna Linzey, called "Daughter of Azusa Street Revival" is also a second generation descendant of the revival. She was impacted by Ernest Williams, P.C. Nelson and Frank Boyd.
The official title for the event is "Azusa Street Revival: Gathering of the Eagles." Guest speakers included Verna Linzey, Gwyneth Williams, Star Williams, Clifton Clarke, Matthew Gordley, Jim Linzey, Joseph Umidi, Antipas Harris, Kevin Richardson and others. More importantly was the work of the Holy Spirit and His manifestations: preaching, teaching, praying, worshiping, the outbreak of ecstatic utterances, prophesying, groanings and wailing in the Spirit, shaking and falling under the power of the Spirit, testimonies, unity among various ethnicities, communion among them, changed lives and personal victories.
Speaking invitations to Verna Linzey continue to come. Her ministry is characterized by solid Bible preaching on the baptism with the Holy Spirit, followed by laying on of hands as modeled in Acts 8 and 19 for the uninitiated to enter in by faith. The laying on of hands was not required of the twelve apostles for the impartation of the Spirit or the manifestations of the Spirit. Three thousand new converts received the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost without it. Simeon laid hands on Paul. No hands were laid in Acts 2 or 10 when initiates and converts received the Spirit and spoke in tongues.
Impartation service in Tranquility park in Houston, Texas with Dr. Verna Linzey and Glendale Jackson
Prophet Glenda Jackson ended a 40 day fast prior to this Impartation service in Tranquility park in Houston, Texas with Dr. Verna Linzey also known as " The Daughter of the Azusa Street Revival". Prophetess Glenda Jackson and Dr. Verna Linzey prayed an special impartation prayer together for those who were there this service. This was the same location William J. Seymour learned about the Holy Spirit prior to going to Los Angeles to lead the Azusa Street Revival Easter Sunday 3-31-13 3:00pm service.
Glenda Jackson & Verna Linzey impartation prayer in Tranquility park-Randy Wilkins
Filmed by Eric Maksym
Glenda Jackson & Verna Linzey impartation prayer in Tranquility park-Randy Wilkins
Filmed by Eric Maksym
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Revival reported at global meeting of Pentecostals in Los Angeles
Revival reported at global meeting of Pentecostals in Los Angeles
By Jim Linzey, Military Bible Association
The annual Global Leadership Summit (2013) convened Monday night in Los Angeles with some of the worlds’ prominent Pentecostal leaders under the invitation of Rev. David Andrade. They came from North, Central and South America, the Middle and Far East, Africa and India, representing all races.
The unexpected guest speaker at the Global Leadership Summit on Tuesday night was Verna Linzey who had just returned from a crusade in Trenton, New Jersey where revival fires broke out upon clergy and laity alike from the New York and New Jersey areas.
When Verna Linzey was escorted into the auditorium, all eyes focused upon Verna as a hush filled the air. Even the speaker gave respect and acknowledged Verna’s arrival.
At the earliest moment possible, Dr. David Andrade prepared the audience for a special treat by inviting Verna Linzey forward to speak on Spirit baptism. Afterward, Dr. Andrade invited Verna to conduct an impartation service in which many people came forward for the laying on of hands. She was used by the Holy Spirit to bring about revival at Azusa Street and Bonnie Brae Street in December 2012 in fulfillment of a prophecy which a French prophet gave Fred Berry, the man who revitalized the Bonnie Brae House and Azusa Street, established the Azusa Street Centennial and reestablished the Azusa Street Mission and Historical Society along with his wife, Wilma.Verna was directly influenced by P.C. Nelson and Ernest Williams who were both at the Azusa Street Revival which began in 1906.
Revival has continued under Verna’s ministry and has not stopped since November at a mission in Torrance. This has spread throughout California, including Azusa Street and Bonnie Brae Street in Los Angeles, New Jersey, and many places around the world from which people took the anointing. Reported results from this anointing include church growth, ethnic unity, feeding the poor, salvations, baptisms in the Holy Spirit as confirmed by speaking in tongues, prophecies, other gifts of the Spirit, slayings in the Spirit (which Verna does not encourage), tears, crying out to God, quaking under the power of the Holy Spirit, and much more.– Christian Newswire
Evangelist Verna Linzey in New Bible Movie for Secular Campuses Entitled 'Iniquity'
Evangelist Verna Linzey in New Bible Movie for Secular Campuses Entitled 'Iniquity'
Contact: Jeff Stinson,Military Bible Association, 760-855-3905
PHILADELPHIA, Penn., March 22, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- How does the saga of David and Bathsheba play out in modern American society? What relevance does it have for the unchurched American high school or university student? The backdrop is the inner-city of Philadelphia. "Iniquity" tells the story of three inner-city youthful friends who stood together amidst peer pressure, but whose friendships disintegrated due to the ravages of the lure of the sensual -- "Iniquity."
Photo: Executive Producer Bishop Janice Hollis, Actor Brian Jesiolowski, and Evangelist Verna Linzey Arriving at Premier in Philadelphia in July 2012
The consequences were more than devastating; they were deadly. "Iniquity" the movie has a few twists and turns in contrast to the biblical account, making it more in line with tragic stories one might read in the daily newspaper or what really happens in American inner-cities.
Rated PG, "Iniquity" is a major feature film produced by Bishop Janice Hollis and directed by Joshua Coates which will be in Wal-Mart March 26, 2013 across America. It is geared toward high school and university students, starring Brian Jesiolowski (principal co-star with actor Matthew McConaughey in "Failure to Launch") as David, and Cynthia Housel as Beth.
The modern version of the saga contains a few surprises for the Evangelical/Pentecostal world, casting Assemblies of God Revivalist Verna Linzey as the lead juror and Southern Baptist retired US Army Chaplain, Major Jim Linzey as a military chaplain in a court scene. The soundtrack features "The Rose," sung by recording artist Verna Linzey (duet with Jim Linzey, with background vocals by the Triumphant Quartet and Sisters), written by Amanda McBroom and made popular by Bette Middler. Both background groups are major award winning groups on Daywind Records. Verna's rendition of the song is taken from her recently-released record entitled Oh Blessed Jesus.
"Iniquity" motivates one to think about consequences for his actions when it comes to unfaithfulness and unexpected results which may forever destroy one's life. It causes one to think things through before acting. For those who do not read the Bible, this movie can penetrate to the morrow of the bone as a tool of the Holy Spirit to keep young men and women on the right path and, hopefully, come to a saving relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Watch it! Movie Information from IMDB
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Revival in Houston 100 Years Later as Prophesied as Glenda Jackson and Verna Linzey Minister
Revival in Houston 100 Years Later as Prophesied as Glenda Jackson and Verna Linzey Minister
Contact: David Newberry, 760-855-3905;
HOUSTON, April 3, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- Revival came from Azusa Street, Los Angeles, California, to Tranquility Park, Houston, Texas, and the surrounding area through the combined ministries of Glenda Jackson and Verna Linzey with prophecy, preaching, teaching, and the laying on of hands. Others who ministered in support of their ministries were Eric Maksym, Shawn Morris, David Summerlin and Jim Linzey.
Photo: Verna Linzey at New Life Church with Dusty Kemp and Eric Maksym (Photo by Jim Linzey)
Revival broke out. The revivals here and at Azusa Street and Bonnie Brae Street recently led by Verna Linzey come 100 years after Charles Parham and William Seymour prophesied that another revival in Houston and in Los Angeles would erupt. Manifestations abounded, including salvations, baptisms in the Spirit as confirmed by speaking in tongues, slayings in the spirit, prophecies, impartation services, healings, quaking, shaking, wailing, screaming in the Spirit, uncontrollable laughing in the Spirit, preaching and teaching. The racial makeup of those who flocked to the meetings were African American, Asian, Hispanic, Native American and Caucasian. Prophetic utterances indicated this revival was going around the world. This has already been confirmed when those from around the world and the nation came and sat under the ministries of Verna Linzey and Glenda Jackson, and have been impacted, and went taking the message of the baptism with the Holy Spirit with them.
Revival erupted Wednesday night, March 27, the night before meetings were scheduled to commence. At the River Church, David Summerlin met with leadership and laity of his church to "talk" about the forthcoming meetings. But something happened. Verna Linzey showed up. She was not intending to, but insisted that her son take her. The power of God hit like lightening and some broke out in ecstatic utterances. Others began to weep. Some got on their knees as Verna laid hands on them. Some asked for prayer for healing or for other things. They lined up.
When the "meetings" began the gates of hell shook. Terror struck demons. Glenda Jackson and Verna Linzey spoke the word of God, and God empowered hundreds throughout the week with fresh anointings and baptisms in the Spirit with the speaking with other tongues as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance. Revival is here.
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